New release: Media representations resource
Dec 05, 2022
New release: Media representations resource

With a growing awareness of the importance of media literacy, students are increasingly able to think critically about factual information that they access – who created this message, why they created it and whether they can be trusted. However, media literacy is also important when engaging with entertainment media, such as the children’s television shows that young people watch for relaxation and enjoyment. 

Developed through a partnership between the ACTF and ACMI Education, this new online resource explores how constructed representations communicate ideas about our world and have the power to influence audiences. Students learn from industry experts, then view and respond to short clips drawn from popular Australian children’s television programs. The short learning tasks encourage students to critically reflect on their roles as audience members and content creators. A printable worksheet provides further prompts for students to reflect on and record their learning.

This resource is written for a student audience, meaning that young people can work through the learning tasks and videos independently or in pairs. Alternatively, teachers can guide the class through these activities by sharing videos and learning prompts on the whiteboard.

See also:

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